Shutay Counseling & Consulting Services
Here are some places that may be used for your Calm, Safe Place.
Here are some places that may be used for your Calm, Safe Place.

​What is a Calm, Safe Place, (CSP)?​
​What is a Calm, Safe Place, (CSP)?​
A Calm, Safe Place is a place you can picture in your mind where you feel calm or relaxed. There should be no negative feelings about this place. You should feel safe and at peace in this place. It could be a place you have actually been, a place you have seen in a picture, or just somewhere you create with your imagination. This is a place that you can visit when you are stressed or anxious. It is best if you can go where you will not be disturbed and close eyes. Picture your CSP while you pay attention to your breath. Think about what you see, hear, smell and feel in your CSP. Can you feel the warm sun on your face or refreshing ocean water running over your toes? Can you smell the ocean air, or the trees and earth in forest? Do you hear a waterfall, the wind blowing through the leaves of the trees, or maybe birds chirping? Go through the senses in your CSP to settle down your nervous system and relax. If your mind wanders, just bring it back to this place. Be patient with yourself. This is a form of mindfulness using imagery. Mindfulness is a practice of focusing on something and bringing your focus back when your mind wanders. Your mind will wander because humans are wired that way. It does not mean you are doing it wrong.
More Calm, Safe Places to use.
More Calm, Safe Places to use.